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D1833 Series

Delron Inserts D1833 Series – NAS 1833

Style Selection

Table 1

Size PThread Size 9 A Head Dia. B Dia. C D Dia. J L
06 .1380-32 UNJC .560 .300 .12 .375 .367 .250
08 .1640-32 UNJC .560 .300 .12 .375 .367 .250
3 .1900-32 UNJF .560 .300 .12 .375 .367 .250
4 .2500-28 UNJF .685 .375 .14 .440 .467 .312
5 .3125-24 UNJF .685 .475 .16 .500 .467 .312
6 .3750-24 UNJF .841 .500 .22 .550 .591 .375


  1. Burrs caused by machining of potting holes or slots permissible under
  2. Adhesive backed installation tab, D1837, shall be furnished with each See page 44.
  3. Plated or solid film lubricant is recommended on self-locking CRES

<4> Minimum thread “H”, where length permits, shall be 2 diameters. Lengths shorter than 2 diameters will be
threaded the entire length.

<5> Self-locking, 303 CRES inserts without plating or lubricant will be tested using a silver plated bolt or

  1. Tolerances, unless otherwise specified: .xxx ± .010; Angles ± 2°.

Typical Assembly

Typical Series D1833 Blind Thru-Threaded Insert (NAS 1833 equivalent); installed in honeycomb sandwich panel. Insert is
held in place by a cured epoxy compound.

Note: For installation and tooling information, see pages 44 and 45.

Part Number Selection
Consult Rosán for availability of optional materials, finishes and sizes.


Part Number Example:

1. Requirements:
.2500-28 Thread size, Nonself-Locking, Thru- Thread 303 CRES with Silver Plating, and an overall panel thickness of .450

Part Number:

.3750-24 Thread size, Self-Locking, Thru- Thread, Carbon Steel, and an overall panel thickness of .825 inch.

Part Number:

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